what would you do with your empty house about to be demolished?
well our friend jordan thought she'd host her birthday shenanigans
in one - you know, draw on the walls + run amok.
but a couple of days before, she found out her parents wanted to rent the house out for
a few months before knocking it down.
so we had to say goodbye to the drawing on the walls part...
thankfully the party still went ahead.
anyway, this is just us being silly in the naked (furniture-wise) rooms!
- s & a
I'm not sure because I took that picture from fashionroadkill...
that pocket white blouse in the last picture is from where?
hey MIA!
ohh that's okay, it's a lovely photo - great for your banner. i'll try and search around to work out where it came from!
the white top is from a store here called country road.
- s & a
looks immense! sexy photography too. nice work ladies.
bambam x
so much fun!!!
full of style :)))
all my kisses and thanks for being so sweet!!
haha, wildddd shots;) love the last, looking fantastic!
xx raez
what fun and gorgeousness you girls look to be having! the pictures are sexy... love self pics.
these are so so cute! thanks again for the comment xx
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