crush on velvet.

i'm* (with a VERY big helping hand from my mother) about to make this jacket in a turquoise crush velvet.


* my mother will be creating the pattern, cutting the fabric, stitching it together
and i will be watching over it every step of the way.

ps. while we're here, please visit ye ol' myspace page and
have a listen to angus and julia stone's new music.
you won't be disappointed.
for you and yellow brick road especially

click here! go, now!

- s & a


bambam said...

Oh my god, amazing! If only my mother or me was crafty I'd follow suit. I need to find a replica of that hat too...
Good luck making the worlds most incredible jacket xxx

Anonymous said...

ahmagad amazing.

love love love it.


the park said...

i know, the hat is great too.
the outfit just works so well, id be lying if i said i wasn't incredibly jealous of mk's wardrobe.

- s & a